VEX Robotics Competition 2019 in Louisville winners

VEX Robotics Competition 2019 in Louisville winners



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The VEX Robotics World Championship — a massive competition that brought over 15,000 students from more than three dozen countries to Louisville over the past week — wrapped up on Tuesday, with a new set of teams claiming victory.

Around 1,650 teams competed in the event, which has been recognized as the world’s largest robotics competition. Students competed at the elementary, middle and high school levels, as well as at the collegiate level. 

Students from schools in the U.S., Canada and China emerged as the victors and headed home with trophies (as well as global bragging rights).

Here are the collective winners of this year’s championship.

The “VEX Robotics Competition Tournament Champions” were:

  • New Century Robotics Club in Quzhou, Zhejiang, China
  • ShangHai RuiGuan Robotics Activity Center in Shanghai, China
  • Shanghai Jing’an Science Technology Youth Center in Shanghai, China
  • Millburn High School in Millburn, New Jersey
  • IFT Robotics in West Hartford, Connecticut  

A few teams went home with an “Excellence Award” as well:

  • Brentwood Academy in Brentwood, Tennessee
  • Brecksville Robotics in Broadview Heights, Ohio
  • University of Southern California in Los Angeles
  • Woodview Elementary School in Nappanee, Indiana
  • Branch of Beijing Chen Jinglun Middle School in Beijing, China

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The new “Robot Skills World Champions” are:

  • The Science Academy STEM Magnet in North Hollywood, California
  • Flower Mound High School in Flower Mound, Texas
  • Xi’an Jiao Tong University in Shaanxi, China and Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, China, which tied for the honor.
  • Shanghai Huishi Primary School in Shanghai, China
  • Dr. X Academy in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

The competition’s “VEX IQ Challenge Teamwork Champions” are:

  • Shanghai Magic Robot in Shanghai, China
  • Youth Science & Technology Center of Beijing Xicheng in Beijing, China
  • Inspire Charter School in Costa Mesa, California
  • Dr. X Academy in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

Overall, this event brought over 30,000 people to Louisville from 40 different nations. It was organized by the Robotics Education and Competition (REC) Foundation and sponsored by VEX Robotics, which makes educational tools teachers can use to spark kids’ interest in the growing fields of science, technology, engineering and math. 

“Our World Champions worked through difficult challenges while showcasing innovation, teamwork and creative problem-solving to achieve the most coveted honor,” Dan Mantz, the REC Foundation’s CEO, said in a news release. “Through STEM education, we are shaping the learners of today into technology leaders of tomorrow.”

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Morgan Watkins: 502-582-4502;; Twitter: @morganwatkins26. Support strong local journalism by subscribing today:


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By |2019-05-02T09:52:12-04:00May 2nd, 2019|Robotics|0 Comments

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