Students from elementary, middle and high schools in the Knoxville area, along with students from the University of Tennessee demonstrated their skills with robotics.
Students from elementary, middle and high schools in the Knoxville area, along with students from the University of Tennessee demonstrated their skills with robotics.
TVA is sponsoring a big robotics event here for twelve area schools here in Knoxville.
There’s two things we want them to get out of today. One is to learn and the other is to have fun.
We Build it and we test it to see if it works. If it doesn’t work we go back and we find the issue and start right there. These robots took like two weeks and two days to program. This robot took like a week and a day to program.
Robotics is coming to the future, there’s a lot of colleges and high schools that do have robotics programs, if you look around the room today you see them entering into it at the third or second grade level all the way up to high school.
It’s a claw robot. Its good for things like changing directional flags. It can pick things up like this and it can move and rotate in different directions.
Bob Deacy
It’s a fun event and seeing the smiles and seeing them learn and discuss the technology they have at hand. Our children are really all about our future, and development of our modern technology comes with the development of our children.
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