
UP Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Tawana Kupe and Libby. Photo: Twitter
University of Pretoria has “employed” a robot to help students in the library.
UP library services department said this was done in keeping with the university’s focus on evolving in line with the fourth industrial revolution
The robot, ‘Libby’, weighs 19 kilograms and is 90 centimetres tall – tall enough to interact with someone in a wheelchair.
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“Libby is originally from China and is officially a new library employee,” said Isak van der Walt, manager at library services’ creative laboratory, MakerSpace.
“She is not a threat to anyone’s job; she’s merely part of the library’s innovative progress.”
He said for now, Libby only speaks English, but his team will incorporate two more languages in future.
“This dedicated robot will only perform general, mundane, repetitive tasks that staff perform around the library, thereby releasing them to perform more advanced and specialised services,” said Van der Walt.
“The library sees the use of robotics as an added benefit that augments and enhances its service portfolio.”
Libby started ‘work’ at UP’s Merensky Library in Hatfield on Tuesday.
The robot has an array of over 60 sensors, cameras and software integrations that enable it to receive and process various commands and requests.
Libby has a tablet integrated on her chest area for manual input.
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She runs off Android-based software, which opens up opportunities for library services to develop new and exciting client-facing applications.
Libby, however, is not all work and no play: she can dance, play music, and enjoys a light pat on the head.
Libby is connected to the cloud via WiFi, which enables her to send information back and forth so she can answer queries or process data from the surveys she is able to carry out.
During a special “meet-and-greet” on Monday, Libby met Tuks vice-chancellor and principal professor Tawana Kupe.
“Taking our library into the 21st century also keeps the university at the cutting edge of research, teaching and learning, and that is where we ought to be,” he said.
“New technology has now enhanced the quality of research and learning. This innovative progress helps ensure that when we say UP is at the cutting edge of knowledge, we actually mean it.”
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This is the first university and university library in Africa to use a dedicated client-facing robot.
“The library, as part of its journey to be a true 21st century library, prides itself on redefining academic librarianship by immersing itself in some of the latest tools and technologies,” said Elsabé Olivier, assistant director for marketing and quality assurance at library services.
“Part of the redefining involves re-evaluating how services are being rendered, and how to make use of some of the latest technologies.”
Have you met the Merensky 2 Library’s newest ‘employee’? Libby, a client service robot, took up her post at the @UPLibrary on Hatfield Campus on Monday. With a tap on her head, she provides visitors with guidance & help. Go say hello and ask a question! #UPLibrary pic.twitter.com/cpupMnKzhG
— Univ. of Pretoria (@UPTuks) May 28, 2019
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