
VEX Excellence winners Ethan Morris, Kyle Peters and Wyatt Wiggins pose with teammates Garrett Gray, Zachary Reddick, and Christiaan Smith after the State Championship. (Photo: Courtesy)
New Orleans — On Feb.23rd Delhi Charter students Ethan Morris, Kyle Peters, and Wyatt Wiggins won the Excellence Award at the Louisiana VRC State Championship.
The Excellence Award is given to the overall top team. It is the highest honor given out in the VEX Robotics Competition. The recipient of this award is a team that exemplifies overall excellence in creating a high quality VEX robotics program.
This team excels in many areas and is a shining example of dedication, devotion, hard work, and teamwork. As a strong contender in numerous award categories, this team deserves to be recognized for building a quality robotics program and a “team” committed to quality in everything that they do.
This has been a record-setting season for the Delhi Charter Robotics program. The two high school DCS teams have earned 21 trophies over the course of the season, including five Excellence Awards, four Tournament Champion Awards, five Tournament Finalist Awards, four Robot Skills Awards, two Design Awards and one Build Award.
With their State Excellence win, Delhi Charter earns a spot to compete in the VRC World Championship, which will be hosted in Louisville, Kentucky, on April 24-27.
Delhi Charter’s Junior High teams will be competing in the VEX IQ World Championship April 28-30.
Junior high: Delhi Charter robotics teams going to world championship
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